Repair & 


Prices are as follows:

Bicycle Security Registration: 650円
Puncture repair:     1000円
Tube Replacement: From 2000円
Tyre Replacement:  From 3000円
Rim truing:     From 3000円
Hub/Bearing Service: From 4000円
General Maintenance: 3000円
Bicycle Overhaul:  From 7000円
Bicycle Storage (monthly):                2500円

We can also provide a range of upgrades based on your riding style.

Support Roles/Travel Companion/Charter vehicles.
Have a big trip planned but worried about going it alone? Don't want to carry too much luggage with you?
We are now providing support riders/drivers to join you on your trips.
Prices and descriptions below.
Support Rider 
2000円 per hour or 10,000円 per day* (Plus tax)
Rider equipped with repair tools / spare parts / minor storage/ UHF / . Repairs, stops and pace at your discretion.**

Pacemaker - 3000円 per hour or 15000円 Per day* (Plus tax)
Support rider with planned route, stops and average pace. Can be adjusted based on fitness level and weather.**

(Charter Vehicle) Vehicle and Private Driver - 32,000円*** per day. * (Plus tax)
Follower or leader vehicle. Transports all luggage, tools, parts, food, beverages and bicycle with rider if required.**

*Accommodation fees apply in the case of multiple days
**Please specify which services will be needed and any consumables will be charged at cost price (parts,etc).
*** Prices may vary depending on location, please provide a full itinerary for an accurate quote.
No refunds in the case of cancellation mid journey.
Please provide bicycle specs and/or trip details at least 1-2 weeks before your reservation as parts, vehicles and guides are limited. For more charter information - visit out Private Charter page.

If you have any other specific service requests, please get in touch!

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